
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Dear Lola & Maeve,

Maeve, your rhythm has changed slightly over the last week, and you are now rising a little earlier each morning. Thankfully, it's still a very reasonable hour, and so long as I continue to see that fluorescent number 7 as the first digit on our bedroom clock radio, I really can't complain. 

In fact, I've truly loved the time we've shared together the last couple of mornings, before Papa & Lola awake. Of course Papa has attempted to smuggle you out to have you all to himself, tempting & suggesting I crawl back into bed for a little longer... but your smile has won out so far, and so has the morning stillness & peace.

We have enough time for a few snuggles in bed, a little play in the dreamy sun light, a stroll through the yard, a cuppa tea for me, and a few thoughts jotted down in my diary. 

It is a peaceful time, with smiles a plenty and quiet chatter.

I took a few photos of our time together on Sunday morning.

And it's not long till we are all back in bed, where we stay until our grumbling tummies call us to breakfast.

*Okay, well the last couple of mornings suggest you're back to your old habits (perhaps it was going away on holidays that threw you out). I missed our one on one time, but that extra bit of sleep wasn't too bad either.
 Your mama

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